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[Aug. 22nd, 2008|11:52 am]
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ready for the embassy ball quiz

The Rain In Spain Stays Mainly In The Plane

63% Eloquent, 61% Well-Versed, 27% So-So, 24% Amateur and 14% Ignoramus

ready for pretty pics quiz

HBPS - The Optimist

Humanity, Background, Big Picture, and Shape


Date:August 22nd, 2008 - 08:27 pm
Vājprāts, cik tas pirmais bija garš. Ne uz ko labu pat necerēju, visi jautājumi par ķīniešu valodām utml. bija pilnīga tumsa, savukārt par Broka un Vernikes zonu es jutu drausmīgu kaunu - tikai mēnesis pagājis, kopš par tām kārtoju eksāmenu, un NEKO vairs neatceros - kura ir kura.

Your result for The Absolute Language Test...

Just You Wait, 'Enry 'Iggins!

64% Eloquent, 67% Well-Versed, 30% So-So, 13% Amateur and 10% Ignoramus!

You are well-versed in languages, but you do need some fine-tuning before you'll pass for the Embassy Ball. Try immersing yourself in different languages/cultures and with a quick ear and a sharp tongue you too can master any language you want! ... Just you wait, 'Enry 'Iggins!

... Second to last question: 17 languages have appeared in this quiz:

English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Latin, Dutch, Farsi (Persian), 1337, Russian, Japanese, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Egyptian Demotic, Chinese, Italian, Greek, Cuneiform

Take The Absolute Language Test at HelloQuizzy

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