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[May. 14th, 2007|01:30 pm]
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[muz |the books live @ skaņu mežs 2007]

smartassican žurnālisms rocks my socks:

Don't you just love headlines with question marks at the end? "Paris Hilton Has Syphilis?" "Britney Spears Adopts Lemur?" You get all excited and flip to the middle of the magazine, is it true, is it true? only to find: guess what? We don't fucking know either! I went to journalism school!

Anyway, today in questionable headlines, The Rock to Play Captain Marvel? That's the rumor. Someone heard about it and printed it, and then someone else put it on the Internet, and then I rewrote it in smartassican and put it on the Internet again.

It's a wonderful time to be alive.


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