zaļā buržuāzija - February 5th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
judging the mice

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February 5th, 2013

[Feb. 5th, 2013|12:01 am]
link18 leņķīši|piemetināt?

[Feb. 5th, 2013|03:54 pm]
laikam jānoarhivē žurnāls
link42 leņķīši|piemetināt?

[Feb. 5th, 2013|10:26 pm]

we have to take in nourishment, expel waste, and inhale enough oxygen to keep our cells from dying. everything else is optional.
link2 leņķīši|piemetināt?

[Feb. 5th, 2013|10:46 pm]
link2 leņķīši|piemetināt?

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