hiphop digs right to the soul, ir tāds |
[Feb. 26th, 2009|01:31 pm] |
[Feb. 26th, 2009|03:02 pm] |
burvīgākais citāts no spektriāļa 8.dienas: Kennedy was asked why they haven’t sued Google the same way as TPB. He said that Google said they would partner IFPI in fighting piracy and he has a team of 10 people working with Google every day, and if Google hadn’t announced they were a partner, IFPI would have sued them too. |
[Feb. 26th, 2009|07:51 pm] |
bez tā melnā cauruma, kur es nolieku lietas, mājās ir vēl viens, to apkalpo rita. pašu galveno taiņiku es zinu, tur viņa glabā izoleni, skoču, čili un žāvētu ābolu želejas konfektes. bet kur viņa liek tos mazos audziņus, ko izvelk no puķpodiem, to man žigli jāatrod, jo citādi mazītiņais amariļļa sīpols ar mazīīīīītiņo asniņu vienkārši nomirs! |