zaļā buržuāzija - February 17th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
judging the mice

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February 17th, 2008

smells like teen review [Feb. 17th, 2008|06:13 pm]
ož pēc revjū )
link6 leņķīši|piemetināt?

[Feb. 17th, 2008|08:55 pm]
[muz |tortoise - on the chin]

vampilovs ir garš, olīves ir sāļas. roses are blue, bullets are lead.

p.s. a kāds ir [info]shrinaut jaunais jūzerneims? upd: zinu.
link4 leņķīši|piemetināt?

[ viewing | February 17th, 2008 ]
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