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[Mar. 17th, 2006|03:08 am]
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I used to bring up
a very interesting example.

I use to say that
the best dramatic artists

are criminals.

I told a true story:
Not so far from here

there was a house that is
still there on the same place

and on the third floor there
lived a chief engineer.

He bought a new Moskvich car,
was very happy with it

and he used to park it
near his house.

One lovely day he came to work,

returned home,
parked the car,

locked it,

went upstairs, had his dinner,
watched TV and went to bed.

In the morning he ate his
breakfast, went downstairs,

and saw that there was no car.

It had been stolen.

He went to the police,
went here and there,

a working day gone,
he's a nervous wreck.

In the evening he comes back:
the car is in its place.

He sees that everything is there,
the wheels are there…

In the gloves compartment
he finds some money and a note.

He opens it and reads:

“Dear Sir!

“We humbly beg your pardon
for our rude deed.

“We had to urgently rush
our friend to a hospital,

“but no taxi or any
other car stopped.

“So we used your car.

“As you see,
we didn't damage anything.

“We're returning the money
for the usage of gas,

“and as a token of our gratitude
we leave you two tickets

to the Taganka Theater's Hamlet
starring Visotzky.”

This brought incredible happiness…

Four days later
he and his wife

drove their car to the
Taganka Theater.

They enjoyed it very much,
returned home, opened the door

and saw the flat had been
totally cleaned out!

From top to bottom!

They even took the furniture!

What is the power of this story?

What great directors they are.

They returned him money
for the gas.

They left tickets for a show
which was so popular

that it was impossible
to get tickets.

They convinced
the car owner

that they were absolutely
honest people.

This is the art of dramatics.

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