| Sep. 1st, 2010 @ 08:00 pm  |
The original post was attempt at a snapshot (freeze-framed detail) of a moment, which is an impossible act, because you sit and rattle out the train of thought as you remembered it and analysed it. So you are painting or sketching, really. A real snapshot would have passers-by in the background (a flash of bag or skirt by a Narvessen: old trainers with new dog pissing by a market wall: soļanka 99 santimes, or you looking different to how thought you would).
I asked the question because one of my personalities is the schoolmaster, whose withering questions force me to spell it out to any of my personalities who happen to be listening.
I was with you in spirit up until the "full price": I do my best work when I am not functioning in a healthy and productive way: but this is just what the majority of my personalities would assume to be healthy and productive.
The contradiction (truth) is in the mix of 'I' as I see it.
the bit about doing my best work when not healthy and productive is dishonest: it is a balancing act - the more weight you can hold when balancing, the more you poise and sense of yourself (necessary for balance) under pressure.
something like that, perhaps
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From: | punkts |
Date: |
September 1st, 2010 - 11:11 pm |
(Link) |
you are right about the snapshot thing. when i was reading origin of species it was a good meditation about all kinds of living beings that surround us like insects, birds and animals somewhere far away that you never even see in you life but that exist. and so it is very important to see these supposedly trivial details in the snapshot of a moment. not just lets say you want to imagine a person and what you now picture in your mind a person standing, his clothes, perhaps his mimicry, his posture etc but then there come all the surrounding... oh, i just got a call from a guy who wants to buy a lens from me. today i bought a different one with different focal lenght
fair point, but about the closer inspection of the snapshot: I have memories that repeatedly arise from places (as though they are on some programmed grid), and they are not places that at first seem to have any connection with the thing that I am remembering. For example, there is a crossroads in Ventspils which every time I cross I think of my friend, Robert, smashing up his flat because he had advised the girl he loved to go off with me.
If I understand what I want to say with that, it is that something I can't place in that place is causing me to think of a memory, which in turn leads to a train of thought (and maybe a supposedly unique observation) all sparked from a certain translation of this emotional memory.
All that is fine, but if you want to communicate to somebody else some truth: well you have to ieliist into what you think they think about you and somehow fashion it in a way coherent to both: and you lose it, usually, in some aphorism or banality or over-complication, and you even start to doubt you had an idea worth communicating in the first place. But it was probably there, even if it was tortuous to explain it in a way you yourself were happy with.
Then communication (to yourself - thinking about how you are thinking) is the understanding of things forever flitting in and out of sight: analysing them akin to holding the negative of a dream up to the light.
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