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Tiem, kam patīk dziedāt līdzi [2009-09-17|19:04]
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[Mūzika |Imants Kalniņš - 4. simfonija (Moderato rubato)]

4. daļa

Kelly Cherry, "Lyric Cycle"

We Fill The Gaps

When you left, I cried fiercely
Then I died.
Will you suffer my sorrow, let me forgive you.
I will when the owl lights on the oak
Sweep with my brush your loose hair back,
And love you in bed.
And wrap this sweet sheet round you until you are dead.
The wet west wind wrapped us up;
Red leaves rained down your back.
Oh, you - I know who you are,
Dragon dragging your muffled fires through the chilled woods.
If you were an angel, I would laugh you out of heaven,
And set your hair on fire
And your black eyes burning would bloom like a black flower.

As I was a child you pamper me with roses.
In this airless room I shuffle their petals
And inhale their thick, dull, deadly pink perfume.
As I was a child you pamper me with roses.

The colours of wind are cold.
On a cold night, I read some books,
And some books are cold, but I read
And in my head,
I know I hear gray grating words winged on an arctic wind.

He's absurd...
How he loved me!
Trembled, if I touched his hand.
I saw his quick eyes glittering in the night.
I saw him strip off his kin.
And white bones clattering, he fled into the night.

Against the blue air,
He floats muter than a ghost.
I watch his wavering there,
Upon the air, and wait for his words to fall on me,
Words I want most.
But he says nothing at all, but floats above the air.
In this pink dawn, my heart flares up and dies down.
Bright wind crackles around my ankles.

I held my tongue when you went away.
If I said I loved you, it was because I was bored.
Or in an aimless moment,
I many have caught the mood of the moon
Making overtures toward a mockingbird.
I could have sworn I saw the leaves changing colour,
The west wind torn from the sky and bunched into a cloud.
I could have sworn you scorched my sleep like lightning.

What of soul was left I wonder,
When the kissing had to stop.
But as the fading sun clips you from my sight,
I will remember you.
When you have gone,
The sun like a silent song will burn up the far side of night.
I will remember you.

Cikos:2009. gada 17. Svepstembris plkst. 22:11
:))))))))))))))))) tas ir kaut kāds joks?
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Cikos:2009. gada 18. Svepstembris plkst. 01:50
Tas ir diezgan brangs joks, skat, viena no joka vaininiekiem par to pat uzrakstījusi grāmatu.
Cikos:2009. gada 18. Svepstembris plkst. 08:45
Tāpat nespēju iebraukt - man vnk tie vārdi liekās tik muļķīgi.
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Cikos:2009. gada 19. Proktobris plkst. 23:30
hā, nu protams, ka bija jāsāk meklēt cibā- jau ilgu laiku mēģināju atrast, bet nekā.
paldies liels