06 February 2005 @ 02:13 pm
Kas par mūzikas novirzienu/stilu ir System of a Down?
Skan: Enigma - Out From The Deep
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(e): dolls[info]lizard on February 6th, 2005 - 02:13 pm
Vai tik nebija new age metal...
Bet es jau varu arī maldīties.
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only after dark[info]tvarj on February 6th, 2005 - 02:14 pm
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GUTEN TAG[info]darkz on February 6th, 2005 - 02:22 pm
^$^*%^*%*$ un pokemonmuzika.
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phoenix[info]phoenix on February 6th, 2005 - 02:24 pm
tavs defineejums ir visalbaakais. :]
visamz mani sasmiidinaaja.
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(e): empty[info]lizard on February 6th, 2005 - 02:25 pm
Nekad soad nav paticis.
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Hashz: AAAAAAA[info]hashtreck on February 6th, 2005 - 02:25 pm
nunu ;D
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GUTEN TAG[info]darkz on February 6th, 2005 - 02:42 pm
nu muzika viņiem ir kvalitatīva, bet man viņi besī vairāk vai mazāk dēļ savas politiskās nostājas (pofig kas noticis, karu točna nevajag) un mērķauditorijas. un vispār - man ir alerģija pret new age.
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phoenix[info]phoenix on February 6th, 2005 - 02:43 pm
tu vakar guleeji, jaa?
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GUTEN TAG[info]darkz on February 6th, 2005 - 02:45 pm
gulēt gulēju. tavu sms arī izlasiju. no rīta, sapampis. izdzēsu, un neapskatijos cikos tā atnāca.
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phoenix[info]phoenix on February 6th, 2005 - 02:46 pm
cik nezheeliigi. :/
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GUTEN TAG[info]darkz on February 6th, 2005 - 02:47 pm
ko un kad tu vēlējies?
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3.14[info]314 on February 6th, 2005 - 02:44 pm
Jeij, esmu pokemons jau gadus sešus!
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GUTEN TAG[info]darkz on February 6th, 2005 - 02:45 pm
es nezināju cik gadus, bet to, ka esi pokemons, zināju.
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[info]narayana on February 6th, 2005 - 02:22 pm

Biography by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Like many late-'90s metal bands, System of a Down struck a balance between '80s underground thrash metal and metallic early-'90s alternative rockers like Jane's Addiction. Their dark, neo-gothic alternative metal earned a cult following in the wake of the popularity of such likeminded bands as Korn and the Deftones.

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GUTEN TAG[info]darkz on February 6th, 2005 - 02:47 pm
".. such likeminded bands as Korn and the Deftones." - karoč totāls #@$^$#&$&%
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zupcis[info]zupcis on February 6th, 2005 - 02:27 pm
kaut arī līdzinās visai šai mūsdien Ņu drazai, tomēr salīdzinoši viņiem tīri interesants skanējums, nav ne vainas.
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anti: dūda[info]antikrists on February 6th, 2005 - 02:32 pm

karoč, nekas nozīmīgs :)
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anti: citrons[info]antikrists on February 6th, 2005 - 02:33 pm
+ solists ir kaukāds fakens arābs/turks/irākietis/irānietis/kaukas tāds
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phoenix[info]phoenix on February 6th, 2005 - 02:38 pm
tavs koments mani arii sasmiidinaaja. Nu tie apziimeejumi dalsjsviitraas. ;]
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anti: fear[info]antikrists on February 6th, 2005 - 02:57 pm
nujā, es precīzi nezinu, tapēc daļsvītrojos :]
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3.14: SMP![info]314 on February 6th, 2005 - 02:42 pm
Sūkā dirsu, ja?
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GUTEN TAG[info]darkz on February 6th, 2005 - 02:46 pm
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anti: atkal es[info]antikrists on February 6th, 2005 - 03:09 pm
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only after dark[info]tvarj on February 6th, 2005 - 02:51 pm
armeenis, ja nemaldos
a varbuut arii maldos
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zupcis[info]zupcis on February 6th, 2005 - 02:58 pm
ir ir armēnis
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GUTEN TAG[info]darkz on February 6th, 2005 - 03:03 pm
karoč apkaunojums visai armēņu tautai. armēņi tač paši par sevi ir diezgan kareivīgi, a te viens kaut kāds atkritējs kwiec, ka negrib karu, un apkauno visu nāciju.
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anti: hingabe[info]antikrists on February 6th, 2005 - 03:04 pm
da jams tak no amērikas.. pat ja armēnis.
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[info]anti_dievs on February 6th, 2005 - 10:31 pm
ha gribu redzeet kaa tu iesi karot pimpi
bljaut jau visi maak
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GUTEN TAG[info]darkz on February 6th, 2005 - 10:53 pm
tu atkal esi piedzēries?
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[info]anti_dievs on February 6th, 2005 - 10:55 pm
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anti: atkal es[info]antikrists on February 6th, 2005 - 02:59 pm
nē, armēnis toč nē.
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only after dark[info]tvarj on February 6th, 2005 - 03:00 pm
man liekas ka bija gan!
a hvz :)
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anti: citrons[info]antikrists on February 6th, 2005 - 03:04 pm
a man liekas savādāk!
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zupcis[info]zupcis on February 6th, 2005 - 03:05 pm
A man liekas, ka jobana tēma priekš diskusijas ;)
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anti: kaka2[info]antikrists on February 6th, 2005 - 03:09 pm
a ja liekas, ta var nosisties
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phoenix[info]phoenix on February 6th, 2005 - 03:11 pm
vaaac nost to kaku!
un pariei vinjsh jusm tur iestarpinaajaas pa vidu!
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anti: kaka1[info]antikrists on February 6th, 2005 - 03:54 pm
kā ta es to kaku varu novākt? ja kaka ielikta, tad jau nepazudīs.

šitā ar ne :)
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phoenix[info]phoenix on February 6th, 2005 - 04:27 pm
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zupcis[info]zupcis on February 6th, 2005 - 03:11 pm
Tikai ja kārtīgi vai neveikli liekas.
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anti: burn more[info]antikrists on February 6th, 2005 - 03:54 pm
savādāk likties ij nau jēgas.
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[info]anti_dievs on February 6th, 2005 - 10:32 pm
vinji visa grupa ir armeenji kuce
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anti[info]antikrists on February 7th, 2005 - 12:14 am
pats kuce?
viņi ir kaukādi arābi
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[info]anti_dievs on February 7th, 2005 - 12:17 am
afganji :]
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anti: antichrist[info]antikrists on February 7th, 2005 - 12:23 am
nu tas jau ticamāk :)
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[info]anti_dievs on February 7th, 2005 - 12:27 am
bet shiem esot aizliegts iebrukt afganistaanaa.
tb soolistam un gjitaaristam laikam
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anti: antichrist[info]antikrists on February 7th, 2005 - 12:32 am
heh, nebrīnos - kurš ta tādus pidarus gribētu ielaist :D
tapē jau pa amēriku tusējas.
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[info]anti_dievs on February 7th, 2005 - 12:37 am
nuu vecais bija labs...
tagat gan iesmird :/
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