krēpjlācis - May 24th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 24th, 2012

[May. 24th, 2012|09:51 am]
[music |Ufomammut - Stardog]

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[May. 24th, 2012|09:53 am]
[music |Ufomammut - Destroyer]

Somijā man piedāvā studēt arī, piemēram, šādus kursus bez visiem socioloģiskajiem (pārsvarā vērsti uz globalizācijas tēmām, varu to arī iekopēt, protams, jā kādu no jums, sušiem, tas interesē) :

HTKP161 Kalevala and Finnish Folklore Studies, 3 ECTS credits


Aims and content: The Kalevala, Finnish national epics, was compiled by Elias Lönnrot. The edition known and read in our times was published in 1849. The Kalevala consists of poems collected from the people of Eastern Part of Finland and Russian Karelia. It gave inspiration for national awakening and National Romanticistism. Today, it still continues to be a source for artist and academic scholars among others. This course familiarizes with the Kalevala, Kalevala metric poetry and Finnish Folklore Studies that grew from collecting and interpreting the Kalevala-metric Poetry.

(bet nupat piefiksēju, ka šis ir spring :) )

vēl )

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[May. 24th, 2012|07:25 pm]
[music |Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord]

rīt melnajā knābī kaut cikos vakarā, par godu Vladiņa kārtējai gadskārtai, būs biš improvizēts noiziņš :>>>>
pagājušogad tajā piedalījās arī mūsu visu mīlētais cibiņš, lieliskā bundziniece [info]khosmos

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