Nu pag, stiprumi ir viena lieta, bet polarizācija (vai kā to sauc) ir kas cic. Man tā atšķirība kopā būtu max 1,5, vienkārši man viena mocās tālumā (ij pirmo "aplīšu" rindu neredz) a otra tuvumā (aplīšus redz perfekti a pie lasīšanas so-so). Pie datora es ar brillēm, bez ir baigi grūti, nenormāls diskomforts. (ar drukas kļūdu): Anisometropia A majority of people who wear contacts and glasses have some degree of anisometropia. Anisometropia is a condition where the refractive errors differ between eyes. Most eye care professionals often reserve the use of this term for cases in which the difference is significant, around 2.00 diopters or more. Another form of anisometropia is called anitmetropia and this is a condition in which the power designations for each eye differ. For example the right eye may have a plus power while the other has a minus power. no ko? :)