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Posted on 2009.11.08 at 18:48
Doom: Unhai
Mūza: Rammstein
Tags: , , , , , , ,

And the shark, it has tears
And they run down its face
But the shark lives in the water
so no one sees the tears

In the depths it is lonely
And so many a tear flows
And that is why the water
in the seas is salty

p.s. Lai dzīvo [info]kants!
(kā šodien kaut kur lasīju "2829 мне уже, поцелуйте меня в Ж.")


[info]kants at 2009-11-09 01:33 (Tipa)
un brauc ciemos, pasaki man to visu acīs skatoties! (tumbas rammstein klausīšanai jau atvedu)
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2009-11-09 10:43 (Tipa)
Es jau braucu
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