Boar's Head hotel, Carmarthen, and the Blue Boar pub, just around the corner, so what is going on here, then, ey?
Twrch Trwyth? Hope it is about the celebration of boar families and not pathetic modern day motorcycle gangs. Boars that gave us wild pork in old times.
Ā, šis ir par to, ka TWRCH TRWYTH reiz bijis kaut kāda velsiešu vējabrāļu ordeņa nosaukums (esot jau izformēts vai apvienojies ar Elles Eņģeļiem, vai ko tur, vikipēdijā ir...) ne tikai mitoloģisks milzu mežakuilis, un kaut kāds tur folk krodziņš viņam "aiz stūra"...
Twrch Trwyth? Hope it is about the celebration of boar families and not pathetic modern day motorcycle gangs. Boars that gave us wild pork in old times.