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Musick & Poëtree

Posted on 2011.09.27 at 21:36
Doom: Auseklis
Mūza: Narsilion
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Lol. Nu tad beidzot. Tūlīt. Saņemšos. Un klausīšos

p.s. http://klab.lv/users/ulvs/701951.html#comments

p.p.s. I Speak Human :(


Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 21:41 (Tipa)
Jau atarhivēju.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 21:41 (Tipa)
Narsilion '2011 lielisks starp citu
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[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 21:44 (Tipa)
Vispirms jāuzpīpē, to gan
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:16 (Tipa)
1. dziesma - nepatīk (Wtf)
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:58 (Tipa)
I listened some more and its bullshit. absolute bullshit. i mean.. where did the beautiful era of songs like Tine-Bealtaine or Etrezomp-ni kelted go? that was the omnia i love. also, i completely agree with lothiem. they are growing extremely obsessed with their "messages" too. and they are taking it too seriously. geeze.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:58 (Tipa)
A pagan soul here. I assure you that, with last two albums, Omnia doesn't lift my heathen spirit. On the contrary, Stenny saddens me.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:40 (Tipa)
Pārsteidzoši nepārsteidzoši (cause of Wolf Love) naivi/vulgāri teksti, un es nezinu, vai man tas patīk - doma, jā... bet estēts sevī rauc pieri
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:41 (Tipa)
Not another of THOSE albums! Omnia goes Tenacious D...yeah...sure. Well, I think it's time for me to finally migrate to Islandic no man's land and become a sheepherder because something seems to be wrong with the world. Gröne Lunden and Who Are You? have potential though. And thumbs up for Sheebeg Sheemore. Jenny had it on her solo album which is definitely worth a buy! But thumbs down for song recycling, Fidhe Ra Huri is nothing new. By the way: the price of 16€ on iTunes is ridiculous. That's one of the most expensive albums I've ever seen on iTunes. Someone posted them before but they can't be promoted more: http://www.myspace.com/ilianamusic
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:43 (Tipa)
:( i suspect a mole amongst their midst. the fugly unicorn must have brainwashed them by mixing fairy poo powder into their wacky baccy, forcing them to write Fluffy Bloggy crap + unbearably cheesy songs and to dispose of valuable band members in order to clear the stage for Stenny - and aren't they hopelessly in love with themselves? - hence conducting the downfall of their authentic façade. shame shame, but i'm relieved to see i'm not the only disgruntled soul.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:44 (Tipa)
Pity. Another album with just a few good songs and what's more, they consider it "OMNIA's best work ever" hehe...and that cover? they should've left Tenacious D alone, it's not even funny. I, like many others from what I've read here, am deeply saddened because of this, they were one of my favourite bands, they made great music, even if not every song had a serious/political message (for example Mars reprise or Get the halfling etc, which were pretty awesome) and they seemed great people, who were having fun. Meh. What a disappointment ...
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 23:00 (Tipa)
Šitai džusei patīk tās pašas dziesmas, kas man ^^

Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:49 (Tipa)
I'm deeply saddened with Omnia right now and their behavior. When I read their news letter about Tom and him not being wild crazy pagan like the rest of them the band dropped substantially in my mind. First Luka (whom I cried over) and now Tom. It's almost too much. They are starting to sound like elitists who think that their fans and fellow pagans are below them in some way and its hurtful as their (older) songs I listen to everyday to find inspiration..but I am worried with their direction and their attitude. I'd hate to swear them off over it.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:50 (Tipa)
Unfortunately it's no Omnia anymore, it's Steve+Jenny. On one side, Steve claims they're crazy pagans, on another, they've grown up and not wielding their swords and dancing around like the leprechauns. Steve has posted some rules, inspired by his way of living the life, wtf? They don't know what they are anymore. I think they're into some extreme drugs. And their new music direction... no comment.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:51 (Tipa)
ugh, though I'm trying my best to pin my faith on Omnia and I truly believe in Stenny, I can't stand Steve making himself a fucking cool Pope of Paganism... what's that supposed to be...? can anyone explain me what's going on?
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:52 (Tipa)
Honestly- I'm not sure. If I had to pin it to something (other than the possibility that they are on some drugs, as was suggested by Libre) then I would assume it is because the fame has gone to their heads and now those heads are so far up their own asses that they have forgotten the reason why they started doing this in the first place. It is amazing what a small taste of fame can do to some people (if that be the case). Never thought it happening to Omnia, but it is looking that way, in my opinion. I still love their music- but I no longer care very much for the people within the band as I use to. Sad, indeed.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:53 (Tipa)
Oh man... Another piece of crap album coming out. I'm getting more and more disgusted by the updates on the site. I almost vomited when I read about the motivation for Tom not being in the band anymore. And what sickens me the most is Steve's home-made, hippie-like pseudo pagan philosophy: the guy don't even know what true paganism is about. Start reading some anthropology and history books and smoke less weed, man.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:53 (Tipa)
I second that dude. What sickens me most, is that I once called them my favorite band and thought them soulmates ... and I really thought they were special ... and different ... and now I'm kind of ashamed I liked them so much.
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:55 (Tipa)
Pshh, if the music is good fans will like it, after all ignoring two awful albums and someone's pseudo-pagan behavior is not that hard. Since I'm not able to see them perform live, they can dress up as thugs, they can name themselves the missionaries of paganism or continue to rant about politics on their blog how much they want, I don't care, as long as they make good music. I really hope they read all these messages and see their fans' opinion on them. Maybe they'll get mad, write a long "we don't care what you think, if you don't like us then you can just f*ck off* rant on their blog and after that... they'll go back to their musical roots. I'd like that :D
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:56 (Tipa)
At least, we have still decent and unspoiled FAUN and Sava; for some nice bagpipe work there is also Corvus Corax; if you want some dreamy sound in this genre, try The Moon and the Nightspirit; and for those who like early Omnia, and their Ancient Greek themes, I recommend Daemonia Nymphe, but also an Antic-reconstruction Ensemble De Organographia, with their old Sumerian, Egyptian and Greek music. All nicey pagan stuff. :)
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