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Musick & Poëtree

Posted on 2011.09.27 at 21:36


Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-09-27 22:52 (Tipa)
Honestly- I'm not sure. If I had to pin it to something (other than the possibility that they are on some drugs, as was suggested by Libre) then I would assume it is because the fame has gone to their heads and now those heads are so far up their own asses that they have forgotten the reason why they started doing this in the first place. It is amazing what a small taste of fame can do to some people (if that be the case). Never thought it happening to Omnia, but it is looking that way, in my opinion. I still love their music- but I no longer care very much for the people within the band as I use to. Sad, indeed.
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