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3 svaigi Senmuth @ Last.fm

Posted on 2008.08.13 at 16:05
Doom: Nemesis
Mūza: Senmuth
Tags: , , , , , , ,


Senmuth - In Archetypes (2008)

01. Orient-All-Winds
02. Insight Thorns
03. Ψυχή [Psyheya]
04. Visualisation of Flowerdance
05. Internal Celebration
06. Sad Aroma of Flowers
07. Touching Anima
08. Vanishing in Gardens
09. Calm of Dews
10. The Secret

Playlist :: Rapidshare :: iFolder :: Openfile.ru


Senmuth - Great Oppositions of Mars (2008)

01. Aureum Chaos
02. Frame 35А76
03. Channels Mars
04. Olympus Mons
05. Apollinaris
06. Look of a Planet
07. Argyre
08. Sydonia
09. Tharsis Monte
10. Flights above Nereidum
11. Last Day on Hellas Planitia
12. 3923 seconds on Mars
13. Orbit of the Fourth Planet (bonus)

Playlist :: Rapidshare :: iFolder


Senmuth - Narration of Time (2008)

01. Ubar, Chost of Desert
02. Persepolise Gate of Xerxes
03. Afar Danakil
04. Obelisk Narration
05. The Sipadan Necropolis of Sea Turtles
06. Leptis Magna
07. Oracle in Delphi
08. Semiramida's Gardens
09. Sumeru
10. Mediterranean
11. Swimming to Dilmun
12. Antiquity Phantoms

Playlist :: Rapidshare :: iFolder


Senmuth Home
Senmuth @ NoNaMe
Senmuth Mega Disko @ Last.fm
Citi Ikstlanas virtuālie relīzi turpat, kur tad vēl


[info]kants at 2008-08-13 16:33 (Tipa)
kas no tā visa ir labākais?
Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2008-08-13 16:38 (Tipa)


...iesaku sākt ar vecākajiem Senmutiem, man pirmais (līdz šim nepārspētais) ir šis:
(d/l linku sk. turpat zemāk)

Ja gribās vairāk metāla, tad:
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