
Life long story

10/29/13 07:16 pm - Shhh...

You will ask what's right and what's wrong to do or not to do? Each of us sees the different world. Masses want control and decide for us. But these days people are so messed up. Believing a lie, a fake promise and more than ever money and things which supposed to make them happy. 

If I could escape, this is were'd I go this very moment. 
How does your world look like?

6/16/12 03:32 pm - You were my sunshine baby.

Maybe I'm just fool and don't know nothing about people or love. But I can't deny that I have never felt more alive and yet I'm dead. Maybe it's just that I can't split myself in smaler pieces and give you only one part of me. If I give in, I give in completely. Please, don't tell me - sweety, it's just life you have to adapt. I will learn, get wiser, get more expierence, but I will not give up on my beliefs.

Just don't know how to be anymore.

3/29/12 12:32 am - Communication? Whāāt?

Life is full of surprises. When you expect nothing, miracles happen. Opportunities just fall down from sky.

I'm at mountains for few days. Beitostølen. Have been before in year 2008. Feels nice to be in familiar place. Just amazing to sit by fire, talking with people, being completely calm and relaxed. Learning a lot about different ways we think, culture and communication. I know it probably sounds weird, but out of curiosity it is interesting to see others sturggle. It reminds me of my sturggles and in way tells me that I might have passed that point and have grown more.

8/18/11 11:44 pm - 18.08.11

People like to talk and made up stories that may or may not be true. But the truth is that sometimes it is just better not to believe everything people say. I respect people who say the truth no matter what, even it means you have to say some ugly things. Sometimes it even requires some guts and bravery...

Now, I don't want to plan lot of things forward, when I'm gonna be home. But I have some things in mind and I really hope I will have the chance to accomplish them.

Still there are some places I would love to visit here in Rhodes - Callitea therme is one of them :)

8/2/11 11:05 pm - 02.08.11

Viens ir pilnīgi skaidrs. Cik debesīs zvaigžņu, tik dažādu cilvēku pasaulē ir. Būšu arī atsaktījusies pieczvaigžņu pūšļus līdz mielēm. Reizēm vienkārši gribas balsī smieties dzirdot tādus runājam. XD

Pieredze. Jā. Krājās man tā. Drīz būs kādi pieci lielum lielie čemodāni ko paņemt līdzi.

Brīžiem vienkārši aizdomājos cik smieklīgi dīvaini būs būt atkal mājās. Kā ar meitenēm no rītiem skolā gaiteņos saskrienoties bļaustīsimies KALIMERĀĀĀĀ MALAKAS! XD Šausmas... jau 2. augusts, neticās.

Nedaudz jau skumstu arī pēc mīļajiem. Jā.

7/13/10 10:53 pm - 13.07.10

Šīs dienas atziņa - Tad kad esmu viena, es spēju būt vairāk es pati, pieņemt lēmumus, sakarīgi domāt. Es ļauju citiem cilvēkiem pārāk daudz iespiesties manī un līdz ar to parādās visādas dusmiņas un nesakarīgums. Nē nav tā, ka es tagad izvairīšos no cilvēkiem. Man patīk kopā būšanas un sajūta, ka visi tavējie ir tev līdzās. Man vienkārši ir jāiemācās būt man pašai, kad visi pārējie ir blakus, jāiemācās noturēties un nesaplūst vienā putrā ar visiem pārējiem.

Dārzs beidzot ir savests tādā kārtībā, ka atliek pārbraukt visam ar kapli, kad kāds nevajadzīgs zaļums parādās un ar to arī visa strādāšana beidzas. Pamazām jau sāk izskatīties, ka tur arī kaut kas smuks un garšīgs izaugs.

Kaut kā dienas vidū uznāca miedziņš. Nosnaudos uz kādām 3 stundām. Pamostoties nespēju izkāpt no gultas. Jutos kā sautēts dārzenis. Like I said - "Sleeping at this weather is suicide"

Peldēt bijām kādas trīs reizes, ja nemaldos. Pamazām pāriet lai kas man tur kreisajā pusē nedurās. Pašsajūta sāk uzlaboties. Tad vēl visādi zaļumi no dārza, odziņas krūmā. What can be better?

Šķiet muskatieri sāk padoties un drīz viņi kritīs. Nākamais rindā ir Džeroms K. Džeroms "Trīs vīri laivā".

Šodienas happy ziņa - "Jūsu kamera būs klāt rītdien." I was jumping in the air, kad dabūju zināt. Beidzot!

5/9/10 08:18 pm - 09.05.10

Well, I wanted to get prepared for test at public relations, but I really wasn't able to do it. I had more important things in mind. But I definitely do it tomorrow morning. It is nothing I can't pull through. Finally I feel like all things are better. Sometimes you just need to talk to everyone and you'll see everything is great. I try to be calm and not to stress out too much.

Listened to band I hadn't listened for while and I am so glad to see that they have grown a lot. :)

Lets hope for all good things to come and be prepared for bad ones.
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5/7/10 10:55 pm - 07.05.10

Šodien satiku cilvēkus, kurus gs. un vēl divas dienas nebija redzējusi. Jauki :) Neliela atslodze. Rīt atkal turpinu darboties. Sadevu pa pakaļu, kam vajadzēja sadot un tagad atkal viss ir kārtībā.

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