
Life long story

1/18/14 07:52 pm

Pēdējās dienās atkal lasu un iedziļinos pasaules problēmās. Visu šo laiku es sevi centos pasargāt, bet nezināšana nav atrisinājums. Tikai kārtējā slēpšanās. Es apzinos, ka man nav tādu spēju atrisināt pasaules problēmas. Vienīgais, ko es varu darīt ir sevi pasargāt zinot, jo nezinot, jā, vari naktīs mierīgāk gulēt, bet nezinot var sanākt iestūrēt vēl dziļākā purvā.

Es arī nevēlos visu savu laiku nodzīvot šausminoties, baidoties un esot depresijā. I want to build my safe house, my escape, my happiness.

9/27/13 02:34 am - Life

Tired of being a fighter.
Brīži, kad saproti jāiztiek tikai ar gribasspēku. Kad nav neviens stiprais plecs un visi ir bezspēcīgi. Kad nav izejas, kā tikai sakost zobus un izturēt. Jā, un atnākot mājās paraudāt, jo vairs nav spēka izlikties.
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3/14/13 03:33 am - Brīnies..

Stars. Millions of millions of them. 
Reizēm vajag brīnīties par visu, visu apkārt. Reizēm gribas saņemt un reizēm gribas dot. Tā nu te sēžu un ilgojos un tā tas laiks paiet. 

3/29/12 12:32 am - Communication? Whāāt?

Life is full of surprises. When you expect nothing, miracles happen. Opportunities just fall down from sky.

I'm at mountains for few days. Beitostølen. Have been before in year 2008. Feels nice to be in familiar place. Just amazing to sit by fire, talking with people, being completely calm and relaxed. Learning a lot about different ways we think, culture and communication. I know it probably sounds weird, but out of curiosity it is interesting to see others sturggle. It reminds me of my sturggles and in way tells me that I might have passed that point and have grown more.

12/10/10 04:40 pm - 10.12.10

Darīt to, kas patīk - tas atdzīvina.

10/7/10 10:06 pm - 07.10.10

Another day. Again and again I imagine myself standing in the middle of crowded street and people passing. It is like I'm not even there, I'm transparent. Everyone rush somewhere. It is like a race to them - life. Do I have to run too? Where? How?  And question of all questions - why?

I am still waiting for miracles to happen. Is that naive? Probably, but is part of being myself, I guess.

Some people speak alien language to me and I, very possibly, speak alien language to them.

Interesting things found out about my so beloved purple color, it is even in my name and my nickname.

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