
Life long story

8/18/11 11:44 pm - 18.08.11

People like to talk and made up stories that may or may not be true. But the truth is that sometimes it is just better not to believe everything people say. I respect people who say the truth no matter what, even it means you have to say some ugly things. Sometimes it even requires some guts and bravery...

Now, I don't want to plan lot of things forward, when I'm gonna be home. But I have some things in mind and I really hope I will have the chance to accomplish them.

Still there are some places I would love to visit here in Rhodes - Callitea therme is one of them :)

10/18/10 10:39 pm - 18.10.10

Nekas nav mainījies, darbu kaudzes nav mazinājušās, sāku samierināties ar faktu, ka brīvdienas būs tikai uz Ziemassvētkiem.

Nolēmu paņemt klāt ķīniešu valodu - kāds drošvien jautās kāda velna pēc, tev darīt trūkst ko? Nevēlos laist garām šādu iespēju iemācīties vēl vienu valodu, nu vismaz kaut ko nedaudz, kas zin, kur es  būšu nākamgad un kādi plāni iegrozīsies, un lai arī reizēm ir tā, ka jāsaķer galva iedomājoties par darbu kaudzēm, gan jau ķīniešu valoda tur daudz neko neizmainīs. Besides it sounds like something fun, learning about Chinese culture and stuff and the lecturer is form China.

Nu kaut kā tā plosos pagaidām. Now back to work, tomorrow test in Baltic tourism geography - it is total madness, but yeah, coplaining won't change it.

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