rūsganais sprakšķis

rūsganais sprakšķis

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oh, welll

A recent study now raises the possibility that sleep could be affected by the degree to which someone feels like their life is purposeful or meaningful. /.../ found that people who reported having a greater sense of purpose in life also reported getting better sleep – even when taking into consideration age, gender, race, and level of education.

  • nevaru piekrist un nevaru nepiekrist, vajag padomāt, bet agrāk es tiešām gulēju labāk. then again, vai tad ziemā visi neguļ labāk?
    • (nu, ne jau visi "visi", protams, cibā izteikt vispārinājumus dažkārt ir ļoti bīstami, kaut gan visi tādi saprātīgi šķiet)
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