Man pieder ceļšKo ziedi klāj un ceriņiUn miruši guļ taureņiPie mana slēgtā loga.Un bezgalīgās debesīs Baudījuši brīviDaudzkrāsainie pūķi Pie manām kājām krīt. Man pieder ceļš Caur pamestu parkuTur dzīvo enģeļiKas klusumu sargāUn ja mēs tuvāk ejam Tad sadzirdēt varKā klusas melodijas Tie dzied aiz vientulības.
what sometimes surprises me the most is human memory. i longed for such flover for around four years and now finally i have one. In Italy i saw such flovers and called the country my dreamland. But i saw only from a distance, they were blossoming acros the street. The same as the grass is always greener on the other side, they grew in neighbourhood not in our garden. Never dreamt of having one in my own room.