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25th-Dec-2005 09:26 pm - This is called a dilemma
Something kinda battle between jedi and sith. And it was me who hoped this will never cross my path. Weell, perfect holiday for counting plusses and minuses. Why it is always Christmas time? M?
Yup, this is the time when must lay alone in home, whatching tv and listening to some lullabies and trying to find a way out. Cannot stand those Christmas greetings!! Sometimes i would die for some drop of lies, i don't need your emotions, i don't need you!!! It is too late, why cannot you understand me, m?
Why cannot you all understand me?

I can bet, after these few weeks when life will go on, you will forget about me again! Common, i don't need you for Christmas time! I need you all the time or never again. Is that really so hard to understand?! You act like you were a part of a movie!! This is life, my commedy not your drama!

Just leave me be!
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