Skrien un skrien un neapstājas; zemes virsū nav tai mājas
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22nd-Nov-2005 02:14 pm - ~~~
Šodienai laikam testu pietiks. Šitais nu gan ir niknais, bet diemžēl nekāda sakara ar mani. What a pitty.

The Land of Godly Light

You are the high angel of the Land of Godly Light.
You are the eminent force of God. You are pure
and lovely. You goal in life is to help
everyone, and bring Gods word. You are
completely devoted to Gods word and never
question him. However, you might want to
broaden your horizons. Know and understand
everything and take that into consideration
with all religions, faiths, and ideas.

What is the mystical land of your birth? {13 results with gorgeous anime pics}
brought to you by Quizilla
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