18 October 2022 @ 03:17 pm
Vibe: Telos teksts par Itaalijas konservatiivo konferenci. I love Telos so much. ♥️ Also, it is exciting and very scary! Tieshaam kaut kaads gredzenu paveelnieks, un gariigas ciinjas saasinaajums laiktelpaa.

Cilveeki vairs nevar palikt ambivalenti! Ir jaaatklaajas un jaasaka sava nostaaja. Nupat kluseeshana, bezdarbiiba un savrupiiba tieshaam ir anti-iestaashanaas par pareizo, vai vienkaarshi iestaashanaas par greeku. Juusu liberaalais baabeles karalis ir plix!
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gnidrologs[info]gnidrologs on October 19th, 2022 - 01:24 am
Viņš nekad mūžā nav lasījis un nespēj abstrakto domāšanu. Tur nav AR KO disagrīot.;)
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[info]methodrone on October 19th, 2022 - 10:08 am
If someone doesn't gravitate towards truth you cannot push them, pushing will only generate more resisance. So it's sort of futile to attempt to bring them there.
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