30 March 2021 @ 11:20 am
Unauthorized satan shoes.  
Ok, just when you think the news cannot get more uncanny.. Satan shoes! 

"Nike is suing Brooklyn art collective MSCHF over a controversial pair of "Satan Shoes" that contain a drop of real human blood in the soles. 

The $1,018 (£740) trainers, which feature an inverted cross, a pentagram and the words "Luke 10:18", were made using modified Nike Air Max 97s. 

[..] In the music video, the rapper is seen sliding down a stripper pole from heaven to hell, wearing a pair of the trainers." 

Basically, as a demon detective I feel obliged to point out that rap comes from satan, un kā viena atbilde rakstā komentē: "Our kids are being told that this kind of product is, not only okay, it's "exclusive." But do you know what's more exclusive? Their God-given eternal soul."

Ja es senāk vīpsnāju par vecākiem, kas bērniem neļauj svinēt Halovīnu, lai nepiesauktu dēmonus, tad tagad it sort of makes sense.. es negribu, lai mani bērni nēsā satan shoes, jo what's next - stamping on a human face - forever?
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skandaloza[info]skandaloza on March 31st, 2021 - 10:37 am
Man liekas, ka tā bija diezgan laba atbilde tiem, kuri visu laiku teica dziedātājam, ka viņš grēko un nokļūs ellē. Man "Montero" patika. It īpaši tas mirklis, kad viņš pa stieni nolaidās ellē. :D Vai tās kurpes nebija viens solis par tālu? Nezinu, bet nekādu īpašu pretreakciju sevī nejūtu, bet tas ir tikai mans viedoklis.
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[info]methodrone on March 31st, 2021 - 10:49 am
Fair enough, man tas raksts paarsvaraa shkjiya amizants. Es nezinu to reperi, bet still esmu pamaniijusi kau daudzi maakslinieki muusdienaas flirtee ar tumshiem simboliem lol.
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