20 September 2020 @ 07:42 am
"Why, then, are we locked into lockdowns? In part, because of the way the virus initially spread. Had the outbreak started in, say, Norway or Canada – a country, in other words, where immobilising the entire population was unthinkable – things would have worked out very differently. But because China thinks nothing of detaining people, and because Italy, which had planned a local quarantine, was panicked into extending it nationwide when the news leaked, lockdowns suddenly became the Thing To Do – and the policy which the Something Must Be Done crowd demanded. "
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Dzintra čoms[info]mranarhs on September 20th, 2020 - 03:13 pm
Bet arī nemaz nevar būt - jo kad ir bijis lokdauns, tad atveroties infekciju skaits atkal sāk pieaugt. Un tā to virināšanu šurpu turpu turpinās. Tikmēr Zviedrijā kādi ierobežojumi tika uzlikti no sākuma, tādi arī ir palikuši. Tas ir iespējams tāpēc, ka šie ierobežojumi ir pietiekami "mīksti".
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