Paga, distopija ir jau tagad? Uzdūros BBC rakstam, kur pilsoņus pamāca, kā izturēties uz ielas, lai pasargātos no mopēdu bandītiem:
1) Lots of people see their route home from work as a time to relax but it is a time you should be vigilant - travelling is when you are at most risk.
2) Looking confident can also help. The police suggest moving with purpose can make someone less likely to be targeted.
3) Listening to music or podcasts reduces spatial awareness and makes people more likely to be caught off guard.
4) She also warns against taking calls.
5) One piece of advice Ms Henderson offers is to store a laptop, not in a laptop bag but in a sports bag or even a plastic bag.
6) People should avoid wearing heels to and from work, and instead invest in some roll-up flats for the commute, advises Ms Henderson.
It sort of feels, kā tās zombijfilmas, kur end times sākas ar maziem, atsevišķiem gaījumiem, kurus ziņās pasniedz in an aloof factual manner. Kamēr īstenībā ir sācis velties neapturams gargantuan posta vilnis. Lasot šādus rakstus arī man gribas notīties no Londonas.
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