06 December 2015 @ 03:45 pm
peedeejais mirklis  
sirdij piesuukusies putekljsuuceeja truba
maajaas naakot izpiipeeju vienu camel, un vakaraa dzershu daargu rumu
senaak domaaju, ka speet skatiities uz savaam emocijaam no malas ir baigaa advanced prasme, bet taa tu sevi tikai diskreditee un nenjem par pilnu, nu un tad ka emocijas rada fucked up biokjiimija vai neredzama kvantu orgjija, tas ir tavs vieniigais un viss

simfonija: jeff buckley - forget her
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[info]french_mime on December 6th, 2015 - 06:10 pm
Es domāju, ka nediskreditē, jo emocijas ir pārejošas, tāpat kā domas un ja viņas grib tev iestāstīt kaut ko mean par sevi vai pasauli, you don't necessarily need to associate with them or "be" them.

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[info]french_mime on December 6th, 2015 - 06:11 pm
Un tas nav tas vienīgais un viss, because there are alternative ways to think and feel - whos to say what's more "you" at any given moment.
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[info]methodrone on December 6th, 2015 - 07:10 pm
but i am me any given moment, why would i be less me one moment and more me the next?
vai tad cilveeks ir kaut kaada balta lapa, un neviena emocija neskaitaas? kaapeec selektiivi iztureeties pret emocijaam? as in es neesmu manas sliktaas emocijas vai esmu tikai labaas vai neesmu neviena? kas tad es esmu? balta lapa? stabs?
ko dariit kad uznaak emocija? izlikties ka taa tev neko nepastaasta, un vienkarshi turpinaat saigaat un dariit lietas kaa zombijam? nospllauties par sirdi un ko taa velas vai neveelas?
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[info]methodrone on December 6th, 2015 - 07:23 pm
piedod, es negribu ljechiit. es domaaju tev ir taisniiba, es zinu ka tev ir taisniiba, man vienkaarshi ir tik long gone biokjiimija un kvantu orgjijas, ka i can't comprehend it
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[info]french_mime on December 6th, 2015 - 10:35 pm
Es vnk par šo domāju tā - I have been a happy/ier person in the past because I have had happy feelings and emotions back then, now I am an unhappy person because I tend to have unhappy thoughts and feelings. I can now believe that this is how I am and decide to engage in all negativity that my mind spews out because that's "me".

But there is nothing inherently "me" about both of those states at those two points in time, they were all just created by circumstances, thoughts, and feelings. So if I am an unhappy person now, and I don't like it or enjoy it and it is not helpful, I can choose not to focus on the unhappy thoughts and feelings for a while and try to do things in the world that would bring about circumstances that would make me think and feel differently. You can choose how you want to be, it's really hard tho. But there is nothing cool about being authentic when that authenticity is bringing you down.

Es to iedomājos tā, ka ja pie manis regulāri nāk ciemos kaut kādi mošķi, kas uz mani lamājas un iestāsta, ka viss ir slikti, es varu atvērt durvis, dzert tēju ar viņiem un klausīties viņos un pieņemt to visu par taisnību. Vai arī es varu viņus pārstāt aicināt pie sevis un teikt, ka es uzņemu tikai viesus, ar kuriem ir patīkami pavadīt laiku kopā.
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[info]narrenschiff on December 7th, 2015 - 12:56 am
Tā var, bet ar šāda tipa nelūgtajiem viesiem ir tā, ka viņi krājas kaudzē un nogulsnējas zemslāņos, kā rezultātā agrāk vai vēlāk, izejot pa durvīm ārā, būs jākonfrontē viņi.
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[info]methodrone on December 7th, 2015 - 12:11 pm
well, jaa bet iedomaajies, ja to teejas variantu aprakstiiu kaut kaads isis killer dude vai arii gross carnist person, about how they feel when confronted with the feelings of guilt of doing those things.

bet es piekriitu ka vismaz vajag meegjinaat nepieshkjirt vienam staavoklim (bad feelings) lielaaku noziimi un patiesiibas statusu nekaa good feelings, which i constantly do. un lielaako laika dalju jau sanaak, bet vienmeer shkjiet, ka tieshi tad kad shii izdoshanaas ir nepiecieshama visvairaak, tieshi tad you crash and burn
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