briinumcepuminjsh ([info]french_mime) wrote on December 6th, 2015 at 10:35 pm
Es vnk par šo domāju tā - I have been a happy/ier person in the past because I have had happy feelings and emotions back then, now I am an unhappy person because I tend to have unhappy thoughts and feelings. I can now believe that this is how I am and decide to engage in all negativity that my mind spews out because that's "me".

But there is nothing inherently "me" about both of those states at those two points in time, they were all just created by circumstances, thoughts, and feelings. So if I am an unhappy person now, and I don't like it or enjoy it and it is not helpful, I can choose not to focus on the unhappy thoughts and feelings for a while and try to do things in the world that would bring about circumstances that would make me think and feel differently. You can choose how you want to be, it's really hard tho. But there is nothing cool about being authentic when that authenticity is bringing you down.

Es to iedomājos tā, ka ja pie manis regulāri nāk ciemos kaut kādi mošķi, kas uz mani lamājas un iestāsta, ka viss ir slikti, es varu atvērt durvis, dzert tēju ar viņiem un klausīties viņos un pieņemt to visu par taisnību. Vai arī es varu viņus pārstāt aicināt pie sevis un teikt, ka es uzņemu tikai viesus, ar kuriem ir patīkami pavadīt laiku kopā.
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