- 1st
- 05:15 pm: .. - 7 atziņas
- 2nd
- 11:41 pm: 2015-ais juunijs
- 8th
- 03:45 pm: 4ever 4ever 4ever
- 10th
- 11:27 am: attempting human life
- 12th
- 02:27 pm: .. - 1 atziņa
- 13th
- 03:58 pm: .. - 4 atziņas
- 15th
- 05:52 pm: lielaakais pasaules fans - 2 atziņas
- 17th
- 06:05 pm: ..
- 19th
- 04:19 pm: i don't care about the world, i just care about my feelings
- 22nd
- 06:52 pm: ..
- 23rd
- 11:40 pm: aaraa
- 26th
- 03:28 pm: backward and downward - 2 atziņas
06:43 pm: profound heart sink, abort christ - 6 atziņas
- 29th
- 12:30 pm: sheit un tagad: atkaartoshanaas + izlikshanaas
- June 2015