08 January 2012 @ 09:24 pm
i am a pretentious bitch taapeec esejaa rakstiishu aptuveni shaadu teikumu:
until the majority of mankind acquires a particular amount of knowledge and reaches a level of enlightenment and understanding sufficient to be capable of thinking for itself to such an extent that no authority in a form of government is needed, a republic, being based on the comparatively objective rule of the prevailing opinion, is possibly the best form of government available up to date
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Mehāniskais vienradzis: hands[info]nefolk on January 9th, 2012 - 09:18 am
es rediģētu uz government-like authority un izmestu "availabel up", lai mazāk inu, ofu un but then again i'm a pretentious bitch too un varbūt tev vajag jo garāk
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[info]methodrone on January 9th, 2012 - 12:14 pm
ljoti labi, tev ljautu redigjeet visu eseju. vieniigi manam word count vajag taadus monstrozus teikumus.
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