23 September 2023 @ 08:43 am
Virgin River  
I am always so devastated to see how such goodness and such malevolence coexist in life and world. Dažreiz es vakaros domāju par visām tām šausmīgajām lietam, ko degradēti daily mail cilvēki dara visādos pagrabos un nolaistās telpās visur Londonā un pasaulē. Un tad atnāk it kā svētā dienas Dieva gaisma, bet tikuntā ļaunums lavās un slapstās renstelēs un nostūros un gaida un medī un ņirgājas.

Oh well, if anything, tas sapurina un atgādina arvien spējāk, cik svarīgi ir pieslieties Dievam un labajam un gaišajam - dabai un svētībai. Neatļaut ļaunām domām un ieradumiem ar sevi izdarīties kā tam Pītersona neķītrajam kaķim. Neieaicināt dēmonus un vieplīgo tumsu.

I sometimes wish that I could just escape to a lovely, humane and honest fantasy paradise like Virgin River, where people are diligent, conscientious, wise, respectful, hard working in life and with themselves, and follow nature and God and stick to each other. Yet I am stuck in an unstable world, where you never know if/what evil will jump at you, peoples minds are scattered, fried, frenzied and lost. I can only pray God to give me same strength as to Jesus to confront and endure malevolence, jo basically it is not as real as God, bet vairāk tāda kā slikta ilūziju cilpa nosvērtā un perfektā laiktelpā.

I literally wish to cry whenever I get to speak to a person that is sane and good and a real human being.
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[info]methodrone on September 27th, 2023 - 05:26 pm
Kali yuga yuging hard :(
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