30 August 2023 @ 01:11 pm
Ok, jūs varat nicināt JP cik vēlaties, brīžos kad viņš ieklemmējas un sprauslā indi pret malignant narcisistiem, kā pats būtu apsēsts. But he is irrevocably and concisely right in every desperate word he says.

Truly, kad lasu ziņas no pasaules, bet jo īpaši sāpīgi no UK, I can't help but think.. fuck, is this really happening to the dear old world I used to know? Lietas, kas bija tik acīmredzami pavisam nepieminami pašsaprotami sliktas vai labas, tagad ir kļuvušas tik garīgi slimi ačgārnas. And you sort of go along with it or smirk at it or just try not to look at it, because you have to be able to survive and live your life and care for your family. But if you just live your life and care for your family, things just get worse and more sinister! Are you then yourself sinister? Are you actually not caring for your family at all by quietly going along with sinister things!?

I hate these days, I hate the modern world that poops on everything that is beautiful and true and gracious.
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gnidrologs[info]gnidrologs on August 30th, 2023 - 09:07 pm
Visi jau sen sapratuši, ka tev ne tikai neinteresē, bet tu ienīsti patiesību. Labāk ej parunā ar mb par raķetēm or smth.
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