19 August 2023 @ 01:12 pm
I feel like nowadays problem is that in order not to offend insane people they are willing to sacrifice good people. It is like a warped, psychotic form of empathy, which really should not be called that. It is like empathy is used to hijack someones mind.

Or perhaps it is also just a big portion of indifference and ignorance.

Cilveeki ir achgaarni un truli un ljauni arii, karoche.
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gnidrologs[info]gnidrologs on August 22nd, 2023 - 12:09 pm
Tā nav empātija. Mēs dzīvojam antikrista laikmetā. Visi šie garīgi slimie un viņu eneibleri kalpo ragainajam, apzināti vai nē, nav svarīgi. Tā ir masu psihoze, kas notiek ar visu civilizāciju kopumā.
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