31 July 2023 @ 08:59 pm
Honesti, kādiem loxiem jābūtu, lai iebilstu pret ULEZ un future petrol car bans? At least in cities like London? How does it not make sense to fuck fumes that poison gentle children and already wretched adults? Neviens negrib elpot jūsu mašīnu pirdekļus. Just produce only electric cars and get over it loxi.
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[info]formica on July 31st, 2023 - 11:33 pm
Izveele - razhot elektriibu no akmenjogleem un pietuuciit plaushas ar riepu gumiju vai paarvietoties kaajaam

"Large particles are carried from the road by rain into rivers, where they may leach toxic chemicals into the environment, whilst smaller particles become airborne and breathed in. They are small enough to reach into the deep lung.

These particles may contain a range of toxic chemicals including polyaromatic hydrocarbons, benzothiazoles, isoprene, and heavy metals like zinc and lead. "

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