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[2. Aug 2022|08:36]
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Date:2. Augusts 2022 - 15:12
was chatting to an old mate about this last night. Being a Brussels man, he had been very pro-vax and pro restrictions on the unclean and so on. We finally got into it after avoiding the subject for a few hours. He found it uncomfortable - kept saying that he couldn't believe we were still discussing it. In my opinion, he had no arguments that stood up (I mean he has had the Cvd twice since the vax), and he rather knew it. The whole thing seems to disturb him, but there was nothing like an apology, other than a ' yeah sorry you had that happen to you' [the discrimination]. For me this water hasn't gone under the bridge, and it is difficult for me to treat people I knew - who were content to see me and my family not be allowed to work or function normally in society - with any respect.
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Date:2. Augusts 2022 - 15:33
Tādi cilvēki zaudējuši jebkādas tiesības ne tikai uz cieņu vien.
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Date:2. Augusts 2022 - 17:26
Šie cilvēki arī ir piekrāpti un šis laiks parādījis viņu plāno civilizētības kārtiņu.
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Date:2. Augusts 2022 - 17:24
Nolieguma fāze. Būs vēl dusmas un pieņemšana. Dusmas, vajadzētu lai vēršas pret vainīgajiem šajā krāpšanā. Attiecīgi jāpieskata, lai netiek vaina novelta kautkur pa kreisi.