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Date:23. Septembris 2012 - 17:23
"to see a merman in your dream indicates a need to belong and to be part of something"
"for a young man to dream of a merman means that he doesn't show emotions very well within relationships"
"mer-creatures also convey a sense of longing, of a great desire to be understood. the merperson wants nothing more than to belong. they can, therefore also symbolize a need to speak up and use your voice to express your feelings, to be heard and comprehended"
"mer-creatures may also point to feelings of vulnerability. your mer-creature may be saying that it is you who needs to be nurtured and protected"
[User Picture]
Date:23. Septembris 2012 - 22:52
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Date:24. Septembris 2012 - 07:06
mani aizved uz kkādu fanīdžank lapu ar puskailu čiku pa kreisi.
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