laime tas ir tad, kad viss notiek ātri un nepareizi - lasu katehismu

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Decembris 1., 2014

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16:59 - lasu katehismu
Examples of unnatural sexual acts include oral sexual acts, anal sexual acts, and manipulative sexual acts (i.e. masturbation of self or of another). All unnatural sexual acts are intrinsically evil and always gravely immoral because these acts lack the unitive and procreative meanings, which are required by God for sexual acts to be moral. These acts are not procreative because they are not the type of act that is inherently directed at procreation. These acts are not truly unitive, even if there is a certain mere physical union of body parts, because this is not the type of sexual union intended by God for human persons. Unnatural sexual acts are not justified by being done within marriage because the moral law requires each and every sexual act to be not only marital, but also unitive and procreative.

respect, ka cilvēkiem tiek atrisināti arī tādi praktiski jautājumi, kā tas, vai labs kristietis drīkst beigt sejā savai sievai.

(4 raksta | ir doma)


[User Picture]
Date:1. Decembris 2014 - 18:00
Citiem vārdiem sakot - Tev nebūs velti sēklu šķiest. :)
[User Picture]
Date:2. Decembris 2014 - 09:51
exactly :)
[User Picture]
Date:1. Decembris 2014 - 21:05
"Relax don't do it
When you want to go to it
Relax don't do it
When you want to come
Relax don't do it
When you want to suck it to it
Relax don't do it
When you want to come!"
[User Picture]
Date:2. Decembris 2014 - 09:52
nācās šorīt dienu sākt ar šo dziesmu

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