Kūmiņa pieredzes iedvesmota, šorīt piecēlos laicīgi, uzvilku tēkreklu un treniņbikses, sameklēju vecas zempapēžu kurpes un apskrēju kvartālam. Vaimandieniņ, cik pretīgi! Toties pamodina gan labi.
skraidīšana pa lielpilsētām miglainos rītos lieliski uzpilda plaushas ar kaitīgu gāzu kokteili.. :P
"Early morning hours are the worst period for temperature inversions which results in the confinement of pollutant close to the ground. This may produce very high ground level concentration of pollutant and especially in an industrial town. Therefore on a smogy day morning walks may prove to be highly injurious to asthmatics. All episodes in the history of air pollution have been recorded during early morning hours."
Nu tas tāds izņēmums bija. (Cerams.) Bet ir tā, ka jo dziļāk pavasarī (par vasaru nerunājot), jo sporta klubos paliek arvien vairāk ļaužu, arvien smacīgāk un karstāk. Nekas patīkams tas vis nav.
"Early morning hours are the worst period for temperature inversions which results in the confinement of pollutant close to the ground. This may produce very high ground level concentration of pollutant and especially in an industrial town. Therefore on a smogy day morning walks may prove to be highly injurious to asthmatics. All episodes in the history of air pollution have been recorded during early morning hours."
Bet ir tā, ka jo dziļāk pavasarī (par vasaru nerunājot), jo sporta klubos paliek arvien vairāk ļaužu, arvien smacīgāk un karstāk. Nekas patīkams tas vis nav.