Feb. 2nd, 2017 @ 01:19 am (no subject)
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Date: February 2nd, 2017 - 11:50 am
"Depressed people dwell constantly on self-recriminations about how bad (stupid, ugly, worthless) they are; there is a continual, critical internal voice tearing the person down, questioning every move, second-guessing every decision. . . . People with severe depression appear totally self-absorbed and self-involved. This incessant, negative internal dialogue fills the sufferer with intense shame. (Samantha Gluck, “Important Things to Know If Your Relative Suffers From Depression,” healthyplace.com, 12/23/2008)"


un šis nav vienīgais raksts, kas pamāj ar galvu tavam jautājumam.
(ieliet vēl)(Thread)
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Date: February 2nd, 2017 - 12:11 pm
(ieliet vēl)(Parent)