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Scandalo Calmo

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[4. Jan 2009|10:53]
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Date:4. Janvāris 2009 - 12:35
(..) let me give you my personal recipe, the fruit of long experimentation and guaranteed to produce perfect results. The day before your guests arrive, put all the ingredients - glasses, gin, and shaker - in the refrigerator. Use a thermometer to make sure the ice is about twenty degrees below zero (centigrade). Don't take anything out until your friends arrive; then pour a few drops of Noilly Prat and half a demitasse spoon of Angostura bitters over the ice. Shake it, then pour it out, keeping only the ice, which retains a faint taste of both. Then pour straight gin over the ice, shake it again, and serve.

/Luiss Bunjuels/
[User Picture]
Date:4. Janvāris 2009 - 12:37
Un, jā, tas ir viņa Martini Dry.
[User Picture]
Date:4. Janvāris 2009 - 15:30
tāds nevājš martini
[User Picture]
Date:4. Janvāris 2009 - 16:53
Toties džins aiziet ātri.