14 May 2003 @ 01:57 pm
So I threw you the obvious
Do you see what occurs behind the
Eyes of a fallen angel
Eyes of a tragedy

Well, oh well..

Apparently nothing.
Apparently nothing at all.

You don't
You don't
You don't see me
You don't
You don't
You don't see me
You don't
You don't
You don't see me
You don't
You don't
You don't see me at all
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Princese Zeltīte[info]elina on May 14th, 2003 - 02:24 pm
i see only what i want to see
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De contemptu omnium vanitatum mundi[info]hurt on May 14th, 2003 - 02:42 pm
I have no doubt about it ;)
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