Septembris 11., 2022
 | 15:23 Turpinu lasīt Braidoti kā aizstājēju feisbuk-psihodziņam #mood
"In my view, posthuman ethics urges us to endure the principle of not-One at the in-depth structures of our subjectivity by acknowledging the ties that bind us to the multiple 'others' in a vital web of complex interrelations. This ethical principle breaks up the fantasy of unity, totality and one-ness, but also the master narratives of primordial loss, incommensurable lack and irreparable separation. What I want to emphasize instead, in a more affirmative vein, is the priority of the relation and the awareness that one is the effect of irrepressible flows of encounters, interactions, affectivity and desire, which one is not in charge of. This humbling experience of not-Oneness, which is constitutive of the non-unitary subject, anchors the subject in an ethical bond to alterity, to the multiple and external others that are constitutive of that entity which, out of laziness and habit, we call the 'self'."
Rosi Braidotti. 2013. The Posthuman. Cambridge: Polity. - p. 100
![[User Picture]]( | From: | ctulhu |
Date: | 11. Septembris 2022 - 18:30 |
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Nu primordial loss man šķiet ir tikai visai specifiskās sistēmās a ļa pie kristiešiem.
![[User Picture]]( | From: | krii |
Date: | 12. Septembris 2022 - 00:16 |
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Es lasīju Braidoti nomadiskās idnentitātes kontekstā, un mani nedaudz kaitināja viņas šaudīgais stils. Bet varbūt tie bija mani tābrīža gļuki.
Jā, nu, Tu runā ar cilvēku, kam ir gadsimta crush uz Timothy Morton :D |
Sviesta Ciba |