Scott Bakker on belief systems / trolling thread

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Mar. 12., 2012 | 10:01 am

Standing inside a given belief system, canonical claims always seem ‘obviously true,’ so much so that we reflexively use them as the yardstick of other belief systems, while remaining utterly oblivious to the fact that others are doing the exact same thing with the same depth of conviction. We seem to forget that having conviction, no matter how soulful or meaningful or redemptive, is as much an indicator of deception as it is of accuracy. Ignorance is invisible, after all.

Thanks to psychological mechanisms like confirmation bias, fundamental attribution error and self-exceptionalism, we’re quite content with the embarrassing notion that we somehow just ‘lucked into’ the one true belief system. And why not, when it’s the only yardstick we have? Everything else has to come up short. Outsiders are judged and found wanting.

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Comments {24}

(bez virsraksta)

from: anonymous
date: Mar. 13., 2012 - 12:58 pm

Jā jā, es taču jau rakstīju, kāpēc visi sāk bļaut:

"Nē nu varbūt teksts runā par kaut ko citu, bet pēc līdzšinējās pieredzes es ne mirkli nebrīnītos, ja Tu pievienotos "science is just another religion" klubiņam."

Un es joprojām neesmu pārliecināts cik sākotnējais posts bija domāts tā, kā Tu te saki, un cik Tu vnk backpedāļo.

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(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]her_crow
date: Mar. 13., 2012 - 03:27 pm

a tas nav domāts nekā, ja neskaita manu vēlmi mazliet patroļļoties. tas ir interesants citāts, and I just happen to agree.

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