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Vasara un dūmi - zilizaļi brīnumi

May. 4th, 2019 06:16 pm zilizaļi brīnumi

Limhamnas baznīca par Grētu Tunbergu, kura zināmās aprindās pasludināta par klimata glābšanas Žannu d`Arku, savā tviterkontā rakstīja: "Jēzus no Nācaretes ir izvēlējies savu pēcteci", Berlīnes arhibīskaps izteicās, ka Grētas organizētās demonstrācijas atgādinot Bībeles epizodi par Jēzus ierašanos Jeruzalemē.
Savukārt viņas māte, kampaņu aktīviste un operdziedātāja grāmatā par Grētu raksta šādi: "Grēta piederēja mazākumam, kurš mūsu oglekļa dioksīdu varēja redzēt ar neapbruņotu aci. Viņa redzēja, kā siltumnīcas efekta gāzes izplūst no mūsu skursteņiem, ar vējiem virzoties uz augšu un pārvēršot atmosfēru par gigantisku neredzamu izgāztuvi."


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Date:May 4th, 2019 - 09:00 pm
Zviedrija tak savu elektriibu razho no visnotalj tiiraa atoma, kur tad vinja to beernu vadaaja skurstenjus raadiit :)
Date:May 4th, 2019 - 09:26 pm
Ja var redzēt CO2, tad gan jau arī kādu skursteni saskatīja ;)
Pie tam zviedru zaļie vaimanādami cīnās, lai tīrā atoma būtu mazāk.
Date:May 4th, 2019 - 09:39 pm
Ar jebkuru postpolitikas teelu ir taa pati probleema - kam pieder lelle.
Date:May 4th, 2019 - 09:43 pm
jā... un leļļu ģimenes un leļļu teātri
Date:May 5th, 2019 - 11:55 am
Masu psihoze.
Date:May 5th, 2019 - 12:56 pm
tās vērošana sākumā var šķist pat uzjautrinoša, bet būtībā ir baisa...
Date:May 5th, 2019 - 01:01 pm
Ideja nav slikta, ja vien tiek ņemts vērā tas, ka bez globālās sasilšanas mēs aizietu bojā no kārtējās cikliskās sasilšanas. Ar atkritumiem ir jādomā, ko darīt un resursi ir tik cik ir.
Citādi rēķinoties ar cilvēka dabu, normāla parādība ar ko jārēķinās. Tādi mēs esam, arī Tu, arī es.
Date:May 5th, 2019 - 01:02 pm
Kārtējās cikliskās atdzišanas.
Date:May 5th, 2019 - 12:38 pm


Greta Thunberg has become world renowned for her fight for the climate and lower temperatures on earth. It all started in 2018 when she began a school strike all alone, standing outside the Swedish parliament with different placards trying to form opinion and get young people to join. The Swedish mainstream media quickly picked up her one-girl-mission for the climate and wrote several articles about her.

Few citizens of Sweden could back then even dream of what the future held – soon enough Thunberg met the pope, spoke in front of the United Nations, and has even been nominated for the Nobel peace price. The once so lonely 15-year old girl became world famous more or less over night when international mainstream media started reporting about her 15 day long school strike and Arnold Schwarzenegger invited her to a climate meeting in Vienna.

So who is then this young idealist? Greta Thunberg is now 16-years old and the daughter of famous opera singer and left-liberal activist Marlena Ernman, who in the background has helped her daughter get started. Thunberg soon also got her own coach – a well known climate activist from Germany by the name Luisa-Marie Neubauer. How big is the likelyhood that a young girl who starts a school strike outside the Swedish parliament can get schoolchildren from all over the world to join her cause and fight for the climate? How often does 16 year olds have their own coaches?

Luisa-Marie Neubauer, who has figured on a large amount of images and movies together with Greta when they jointly run climate strikes all over the world, belongs to the organization ”one foundation” which has several well-known wealthy financiers, including Bono, Bill and Melissa Gates. An even more striking name is the multi-billionaire oligarch George Soros, world famous for his currency speculation and maybe even more well-known as the father of the global, radical, and left-liberal lobby and activist network “Open Society”, supporting thousands of NGO:s.

Behind every world famous 16 year old climate activist there is a liberal oligarch and a globalist movement.
Date:May 5th, 2019 - 01:03 pm


O! Beidzot kaut kas pozitīvs, kas šo tēlu padara man patīkumu un šo es domāju nopietni.
Date:May 5th, 2019 - 01:27 pm


Arī Zviedrijā šo viņas mainēriju darbina PR firmas, viena no tām agrāk nodarbojās ar viņas mātes kampaņām.