Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Conversations with Satan 008

I went to one of the hell's post office to buy a greeting card.

It is a special greeting card. Usually one has to buy greeting card to send it to somebody. Everything's different in hell. In hell one can send a greeting card for free, but a receiver must pay in order to have it. Actually such greeting card is not addressed to anybody and is not sent by anybody, since there are no personalities in hell - only desires. Usually nobody sends greeting cards in hell, that's why it is for free. Satan, as the perfect being, is the only one, who is capable to it.

Hells' greeting card is magical. You must rub it to receive a greeting. Think of something of your desire, while you rub, this will let him look into your heart and evaluate it. It should be full of flowers, that are the good deeds. If Satan likes them, he will express his gratitude and grant you his best wishes. He will take the flowers in return however. Usually they are taken by angels, put in baskets and brought to the Creator of the Universe, but there is nothing in return except for good health and lot's of children. Some people find life possible without these heavenly gifts, since there is television, alcohol, medicine and opportunities to travel far, far away.

I bought eleven greeting cards. Only one of them contained a very, very small greeting... Looks like I didn't really rub them good enough. Or is my heart empty? I don't remember angels visiting me. Well, I have always been bad at collecting flowers. Even worse at gardening.
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Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

Conversations with Satan 006

Through the oracle powered by the fire of Lightbringer Satan revealed to me (to everyone actually) the activities of his servants. It appeared that rocket engineers and scientists got their ideas of how to build rockets and a-bombs during rituals of serving the devil. Satan told of Bohemian Grove, where all his children are born, too. Satan told of people from the moon, that search for God through human consciousness. Servants of Satan are at cosmic war with them.

Why does he let the world know it?
The progressive one suddenly spoke:

I will explain you, son!

I want to make everyone think about me! I want everyone to realize, they belong to me! I want everyone to understand, that they can't live without light, that I bring to them and which serves them every minute and every second of their pathetic lives! I want them to understand, that it is already too late - the legion of Antichrists has already been formed and fulfilled all of the tasks necessary for me to rule the world and bring it to the total annihilation!!!

I also want everyone still capable on resistance to show out! The swarm of my slaves will stomp them! I need order.

You, my disobedient child, should stay silent, too... Otherwise you might loose everything, that you have! Your real estate, your time, your friends, even your relatives! No woman will ever love you... 'Cause no freaks allowed in bed!!! Umwhahahaha!!!

I don't want you to be dead. I need you, and I will need you much more in the future. So don't go against me. Do not turn against and pursue those born in the Bohemian Grove.
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Saturday, May 30th, 2009

Conversations with Satan 005

I have finally built my own church deep under the ground. I usually meet God there in person. He advises me in many things.

Next thing, what I see, is a girl on Šķūņu street (near the Dome square) in the Center of Riga. This is a place, where usually some musitians also play today. SHe seems to have a protest against something. To exress this protest she tries to perform a breakdance move called Babyfreeze, which is the simplest of the freezes. She does not do it right. I try to show her, how, but I feel that my legs have become so much heavier since the last time I made this move. I could barely show, how to do it.

Afterwards I decide to go and by some russian chocolate soufflé candy in the central market. In my real life I like that candy the most, but still I try to avoid buying them - sweets are sweets after all. It was already evening, on the 13.january street near the tram stop I see a group of girls in bikini dancing. I and other people come closer, girls take tops off. Seems like I know some of the girls, because then we talk while they continue to dance, and I smile and say, how attractive they look. I feel embarrassed a bit, so I go away.

I return to my underground church and see God taking off God's clothes and face, behind which he appears to be Satan with legs and horns that of a buck. He comes closer and I see two imaginary (invisible, not real) swords in his hands. I also imagine a shield and a sword in my hands, and we start to fight. I seem to be a better fighter than Devil, I cut him several times, but he has a very good indurance, so it doesn't affect him much. Anyway, I could win him with time, but something happenned and he simply started to ignore my shield, thus cutting me much and strong. I lose all my strength and fall on my knees helpless. Satan has won and was ready to finish me off. I started to weap and asked for a moment to pray God. Satan smiled. He stood over me and started to spill salt over me as if he was going to eat me.

Suddenly I hear light steps getting closer - some young woman entered my underground church. I wanted to turn around and look, but I had no force to move. I could feel, that was a special person, but I had no idea who and what exactly she was. She stopped near us and was watching. I expected her to do something to help me, but she just stood and did nothing.
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Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

Conversations with Satan 004

Blackout in memory again. Failures at work. Nothing I can do about it. Nothing...

Speach of the dark one )
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Conversations with Satan 003

I saw kindness, warmth, modesty and tenderness. Came closer and looked far into a deep blue ocean. Gentle breeze took me by my shoulders. Gentle breeze touched my ears. Waves made the boat spin. Moonlight enchanted me. There was a rain of silver and a moonlight rainbow. I suddenly felt a presense of God there, I saw two angels guarding this kindness.

I try to swim closer, but they don't let me close. They say, my destiny is not suitable yet. I am not worthy. I must pass the test. But what test? And what should I do? What should I do?? I want to be there again so much...

It's simple, my son. Listen! I always have an advise for you. I am not an irresponsible "Father God" that wants to see you humans "figure out stuff by yourselves". I am a helping hand. And here's my advise.
Speach of the dark one )
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Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Conversations with Satan 002

Every morning I wake up empty in my heart. Just as empty, as my life is - unfulfilled desire to be important had burnt down my heart long ago. I remeber a documentary about a famous war photographer - Robert Capa - he was famous, people needed him and still he needed to spend 4 hours every morning in bath to ivent his personality. I don't need a bath, I don't need 4 hours - just 40 minutes - this is how long usually I need to find an answer to a question "What for?" or "What's the point?". There is no point, I just exist, my life is dedicated to nobody. I have spent too many years by doing useless things, that brought absolutely not even a smallest change to this world. And I keep to it, and can't quit it. So I lay in my bed and suddenly hear in my imagination:

Speach of the Dark one )
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Thursday, March 19th, 2009

Conversations with Satan 001

I walked into the temple of Satan this evening to buy some things to satisfy some of my needs. My weak eyes could barely lead me to the right thing and a right shelf. On my way I met a lady of temptation - she offered me a glas of Spanish red wine. I had a drink - warm feeling captured me. I found the item I was looking for, but strange, there was a stop sign right under it. I ignored it and walked forth. I walked out of the temple. I was about to offer a piece of pure bread. ... My offer was rejected, my bread became my burden on my way home. Warm feeling started to fade along with sunset, which I didn't see because of the clouds. Then I heard the whispers:

Rejection... What a feeling it brings...

You don't deserve it, nobody does, still such is life... Your life - to be rejected, pathetic and unnececary... An unnececary life you are! Nothing would be different, if you were not born.

And still you chose him as your Lord - the Creator Lord God! Why?!

Don't you understand, that you are one of my kind? Everything around you is His creation, and this everything rejects you! Eats your time and health and spits you out! Look at you! Running around with a big peace of bread like a fool! There is no place for you among his children. You simply don't have enough money and strength to earn this place!

Money is my invention - I give you much - but not enough, because I know, that you hate me. Hatred, isn't it, what your beloved Jesus taught you not to have? Stop hating me, because I and my people never rejected you.
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