making sense - 19. Septembris 2017 [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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19. Septembris 2017

good job [19. Sep 2017|11:45]
The world is locked right now in a deadly puzzle, and needs something like a miracle of good thought if it is to have the survival odds one might wish the world to have.

Despite all priors and appearances, our little community (the "aspiring rationality" community; the "effective altruist" project; efforts to create an existential win; etc.) has a shot at seriously helping with this puzzle. This sounds like hubris, but it is at this point at least partially a matter of track record.[1]

[1] By track record, I have in mind most obviously that AI risk is now relatively credible and mainstream, and that this seems to have been due largely to (the direct + indirect effects of) Eliezer, Nick Bostrom, and others who were poking around the general aspiring rationality and effective altruist space in 2008 or so

Vēl pie filozofijas nesenajiem "win" pieskaitītu plaša mēroga izmaiņas attieksmē pret dzīvnieku lietošanu pārtikai.

Kas nākošais? "Paradise engineering" nokļūs overtona logā?
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transcendence 2 [19. Sep 2017|17:50]
Note to self. Tas, kas mani nepārliecina (liekas nepietiekoši izskaidrots) mb un french mime skaidrojumā, ka tā ir tikai iztēle - kāpēc iztēle pārsvarā ir neitrāla (ar to domāju, ka spārnoti zirgi, gigantiski zirnekļi, un Olimpa dievi arī ir iztēles objekti, bet salīdzinoši tikai mēreni interesanti), bet attiecībā uz dažām it kā abstraktām lietām ģenerē tādu awe? Tas ir, protams, ka tā ir tikai iztēle (un ieguvums no iztēles vispār ir skaidrs), bet kāpēc visas iztēles bez lielas acīmredzamas praktiskas jēgas nav līdzvērtīgas?
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