making sense - [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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[10. Jun 2020|10:03]
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Date:10. Jūnijs 2020 - 11:44
"Īsteni apgaismotie" te laikam būtu Vikerness & Co? Pie tam, ņemsim vērā, ka manas antipātijas te nāk no manis kā ateista, līdz ar to motivated thinking man var nepārmest.
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Date:10. Jūnijs 2020 - 13:10
The only church that illuminates is a burning church.
As quoted in "Dialectical Clarity versus the Misty Conceit of Paradox" by Slavoj Žižek in The Monstrosity of Christ : Paradox or Dialectic? (2009) edited by Creston Davis, p. 287
This quote is originally from Peter Kropotkin, quoted by Durruti many times.
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Date:10. Jūnijs 2020 - 13:11
Žižeks un faking Kropotkins, kādēļ gan es neesmu pārsteigts.