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[6. Aug 2016|20:00]
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Date:6. Augusts 2016 - 22:21
A varbūt vienkārši sistēma ir sūdīga, m?
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Date:6. Augusts 2016 - 22:33
The problem is, we currently have no workable alternative to systematicity. This makes anti-systematic politics entirely nihilistic. Occupy, the Tea Party, Leave, Trump, and Sanders endorse communal-mode values—quite rightly—but have no practical vision for how society could better support them. Even many of their supporters freely admit that their votes are simply against the systematic status quo, not for something better. Their attitude is “we want to end politics, because we always lose anyway.” This risks destroying the conditions for civilized life, in a rage that institutions are imperfect.
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Date:7. Augusts 2016 - 00:58
Viņš implicē, ka tāda sistēma, kāda pastāv šobrīd nav maināma un visi tie, kuri nav apmierināti ar status quo hipiji vai anarhisti or smth.

Teiksim, pirmsindustriālās Eiropas sabiedrība dzīvoja ļoti strukturētā sistēmiskā ordnungā, tajā pašā laikā viņiem bija arī komunalitāte un lokalitāte. Tās nav savstarpēji ekskluzīvas lietas.