Aprīlis 27., 2007
08:50 - pēdējā darba diena.
| From: | f |
Date: | 27. Aprīlis 2007 - 10:10 |
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tādos mirkļos cilvēki saka: "pozitīvs lādiņš visai dienai." un pēc tam vakarā enerģijas nav, un viņi sodās: "ko var gribēt, ja tik agri no rīta priecājas."
bet man tā kaut kā vienkārši priecīgi.
man, man, man, man. kā tev?
priecāties nekad nav par agru. par vēlu arī ne. pasaulē būtu vairāk gaismas, ja to saprastu visi. es arī priecājos. par rītu. par gaismu. par sarunu ar tevi. the world may be transient, but some things should be made eternal.
| From: | f |
Date: | 27. Aprīlis 2007 - 13:28 |
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make them (eternal).
i will do it. at least, i will try. but there is one 'but': i cannot do this alone. principle of polarity. you should know. but we will succeed, or so i believe.
| From: | f |
Date: | 28. Aprīlis 2007 - 00:42 |
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you're right. some times it takes more than one's self. more than yourself. more than myself. more than ourselves.
"if you can't do something, - do it. if you don't - it doesn't exist," wrote paul arden.
then let's go together two sights and two visions maybe could meld into one perception and maybe the stairway to heaven is not so far away
| From: | f |
Date: | 28. Aprīlis 2007 - 01:06 |
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what would you say if i revealed - this is heaven (this is hell) (this is the earth)
it's a goddamn three in one
say nothing.
*** we are already together. don't you think?
three in one. trinity.
gehinom / גיאהינום sheol / שאול gan eden / גַּן עֵדֶן
all good things come by three.
i wish i could say nothing. to immerse in your silence.
we are together. i think. |
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